Toolie Tuesday: Some of You Sons of Bitches Are Skilled

Tuesdays are becoming my favorite day of the week thanks to Toolie Tuesday and Period Tuesday. All the Stoolie Toolies share with us all the cool shit they've been working on and we post it on our Twitter and Instagram. Last week everything was beautiful, like stuff you'd see on HGTV that was just made by some super handsome guy dressed perfectly in flannel. NOT the case this week, folks.

When you rip up a toilet I'm told you don't want it to look Jesus shit on it. Shout out Jesus, Longtime Toolie. In the biz, this is what we call "fucked." Technical term, so you might have to google it. 

This first picture is just your run of the mill shitshed, filled with all the shit you keep around because you might use again some day. Go ahead and check out that second picture. Dude built a bombproof workbench and tool goofin is sure to take place in there now.

Firstly, Yukon Jack is a great Twitter name, I bet this fella loves log splitting videos. Secondly, check out all that wood! Usually in homes the attic/loft area is where you get sent after you get in a fight with your older brother Buzz over him eating all the cheese pizza and then your stupid fuckhead Uncle Frank calls you a little jerk because all the Pepsi and milk spilled on the plane tickets and passports. Also, who the fuck just throws passports and plane tickets on crowded kitchen counters? Negligent parents, that's who.

I'm a sucker for a nice workbench, and this is a nice workbench. It checks all the boxes. It looks like you could drive a Mack truck into it and it would survive…4x4 posts with 2x4s jointed into them? Fancy. Add on enough storage to hide all the tools from your spouse and I'm sold. 

File this in the "fuck around and find out" folder of home improvement. This is a case where ignorance is bliss, but you fucked around and found out you might have to rip off your entire roof because you pulled a gutter off to check things out and all the wood is rotted. Fuck that, good luck Justin, this is what you get for being proactive.

This is just fucking clean and I love it. Those angles are sharp, the top is flawless butcher block. This is a table you could lightly or heavily fuck on and it would hold up. Check out those pocket holes back there…good shit.

There is a lot more on the social channels and we even have Pinterest. We drop new videos every Monday and Friday and I've gotta say, I'm getting very good at tools, at least compared to when it took me three hours to figure out how to use a circular saw. Buy a shirt.

I also bought $30 worth of cinder block and it almost killed me and my truck. Check out the video.

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